SAC Old Boys Connect

by ToucanTech



We are excited to announce that the St Aloysius’ College Old Boy Community website is now available to our entire Old Boy family via this app on your iOS device!Once registered this app provides access to the St Aloysius College Old Boy community website, a central place for Old Boys to connect and engage with classmates, other Old Boys and the College. This website will allow access to news and events from the College whilst also providing professional development opportunities through a mentoring platform, business directory and jobs board.If you have an online profile with the St Aloysius College Old Boy community, you can download and login to this private app to give you instant access. Always accessible at your fingertips, this unique app helps you network and stay in touch. Please keep your profile up-to-date and share your news, views, photos and any useful or interesting links to help keep our Old Boy community vibrant and connected!